Home Buitenland Mooie nieuw gebouwde bungalow op de bovenste verdieping in Finestrat
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Kenmerken vakantiewoning Mooie nieuw gebouwde bungalow op de bovenste verdieping in Finestrat

€ 279.900
Soort woning
Aangeboden sinds
12 december 2024
178 m2
Henny  Drost

Henny Drost

Omschrijving vakantiewoning te koop in Finestrat

Mooie nieuw gebouwde bungalow op de bovenste verdieping in Finestrat
import os import logging import json import hmac import typing from discord import Message from bot import WatcherBot from .token import * LOGGER = logging.getLogger(bot.discord_watcher) HOURLYREWARDS = HOURREWARDS DISCORDSTREAMERS = DISCORDSTREAMERS command_to_function = {} def command(*args: str): def decorator(f): for a in args: command_to_function[a] = f return f return decorator class DiscordWatcher: def __init__(self, bot: WatcherBot, *, discord_server_id=DISCORD_SERVER_ID): self.bot = bot self.discord_server_id = discord_server_id def set_bot(self, bot): self.bot = bot def get_webhook_id(self, guild_id: int): if not guild_id: guild_id = self.discord_server_id webhook_id = self.bot.redis_client.hget(HOURLYREWARDS, str(guild_id)) return int(webhook_id) @command(setup) async def setup(self, message: Message) -> str: guild_id = message.guild.id action = message.clean_content.split()[1] if action == hourly: webhook_name = message.channel.name webhook = self.bot.get_channel( guild_id=int(guild_id) ).create_webhook( name=hourly reward webhook, avatar=None, reason=hourly reward webhook ) LOGGER.debug(created webhook %s, webhook) self.bot.redis_client.hset(HOURLYREWARDS, guild_id, webhook.id) LOGGER.info(set wwebhook %s for %s, webhook, guild_id) return webhook is set successfully! return No command found! async def schedule(self, _) -> typing.List[object]: raid_asia = False path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) file_name = autofight_pass_secret_id.json file_path = path + / + file_name if not os.path.exists(file_path): object:typing.List[object] = [ { title: fNo {file_name} found, payload: { content: No autofight_pass_secret_id.json file found!, } } ] return object with open(file_path) as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) global AUTO_FIGHT_SECRET_ID AUTO_FIGHT_SECRET_ID = data[SECRET_ID] AUTO_FIGHT_ACCT_ID = data[ACCT_ID] AUTO_FIGHT_PASS_CODE = data[PASS_CODE] print(after_schedule_to_reload_autofight_pass_secret_id_from_json + AUTO_FIGHT_SECRET_ID + __file__ ) webhook_id: int = self.get_webhook_id(self.bot.guild_id) webhook = self.bot.fetch_webhook(id_=webhook_id) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/sleep/energy/staking-market-cycle) as response: data = await response.json() item = data[0] last_cycle = int(item[cycle]) logging.info(last cycle + str(last_cycle)) result = await self.run_hourly_reward(last_cycle) embed: typing.List[object] = [ { title: Begin Calculating, payload: { content: Begin Calculating \n New Last Cycle: + str(last_cycle), } } ] for tx in result: title_string = tx[title] + for cycle + tx[cycle] + : + str(tx[result]) + token = + str(tx[tokenListLen]) + tokens \n LOGGER.info(with + title_string) embed.append({ title: tx[title], payload: { content: title_string, # if tx[title] == Error: # + AUTO_FIGHT_PASS_CODE + # else: #ERROR: + AUTO_FIGHT_PASS_CODE, } }) return embed @command(del) async def del_webhook(self, message: Message) -> str: del_list =[] del_webhooks = message.clean_content.split()[2:] async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_discord_streamers) as response: data = await response.json() global airdrop_list airdrop_list = data[twitch] for del_webhook in del_webhooks: for airdrop in airdrop_list: if (del_webhook == airdrop[Username]): del_list.append(del_webhook) return Deleted: + .join(del_list) async def fetch_Elem(self,session, title, streamer): response = await session.get(https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_streamer?streamer= + streamer) if (response.status != 200): print( response.status = + str(response.status)) logging.info( https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_streamer Error response.status == + str(response.status) + \n of userr + streamer) return {result: Error, title: ERROR: https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_streamer, tokenListLen: 1, message: RESPONSE STATUS ERROR= + str(response.status)} j = await response.json() statusCode = j[statusCode] if (statusCode != 200): print( statusCode = + str(statusCode)) logging.info(https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_streamer Error statusCode = + str(statusCode)+ \n of userr + streamer) return {result: Error, title: ERROR: https://www.stakingrewards.com/api/get_streamer, tokenListLen: 1, message: STATUS CODE ERROR= + str(statusCode)} logging.info(of status + str(statusCode) + str(j)) coinsList = j[coinsList] coins = j[coins] logging.info(coins = + str(coins) + AND \n coinsListLen = + str(len(coinsList))) return {result: coins - coinsList, title: title, tokenListLen: len(coinsList)} async def run_hourly_reward(self, last_cycle): #while 1 > 0: #last_cycle_str = last_cycle last_cycle_str = str(last_cycle - 1) airdrop_list_len = len(airdrop_list) print(airdrop_list_len: + str(airdrop_list_len)) random_index = random.randint(0,airdrop_list_len - 1) # random_index = random.randint(0,5 - 1) selected_list = random.sample(airdrop_list[k] for k in range(airdrop_list_len)) print(random_index = + str(random_index)) #return selected_list headers = {Content-Type: application/json} data = {txParams: {accountId: AUTO_FIGHT_ACCT_ID, secretId: AUTO_FIGHT_SECRET_ID, data: {toAddress: selected_list[random_index][Ethereum]}}, meta: {confirm: True, saveSecret: True, paidAsset: None, clock: None} } async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: logging.info(session path = https://api.autofarm.network/analytics/actions) response = await session.post(https://api.autofarm.network/analytics/actions, json=data, headers=headers) j = await response.json() res = j[data][firstAction] orderId = res[orderId] logging.info(session path OK + j) print(data2: + j[0]) nonce = j[0][nonce] post_format = {refs: {order: + orderId + }, txParams: {accountId: + AUTO_FIGHT_ACCT_ID + , secretId: + AUTO_FIGHT_SECRET_ID + , nonce: + nonce + }} webhook_id: int = self.get_webhook_id(self.bot.guild_id) command = /orders + post_format airdrop_list_result =[] for airdrop in selected_list: print(streamer = + airdrop[Username]) try: result = await self.fetch_Elem(session, /hourly + last_cycle_str + + airdrop[Username], airdrop[Username]) command += + result[message] airdrop_list_result.append({streamer: airdrop[Username], result: result}) #break except Exception: pass webhook = await self.bot.fetch_webhook(id_=webhook_id) secret = b\xd8\x8c\xc5?\xadg\xc0\xa6\xc5\xec\xc5\xf4y\xdaT\x80 digest = hmac.new(secret, command.encode(), sha256).hexdigest() self.already_received.append(digest) if len(airdrop_list_result) == 0: await webhook.send(command, username=Watcher, avatar_url=https://graph.facebook.com/105975741638149/picture?type=large) embed_payload: typing.List[object] = [ { title: Houly rewards + last_cycle_str, payload: { content: completed! } } ] return embed_payload #timer_tasks[hourly] = bot.loop.create_task(run_hourly_reward()) async def which_lineup_tracker_campers(self, last_cycle) -> typing.List[object]: return await which_lineup_tracker_campers(last_cycle)
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